| April Action Items Seeing the white blooms of callery pear or green leaves of honeysuckle right now should be a great reminder of why we are engaged in this fight to reclaim our ecosystem for native diversity, wildlife, pollinators, and our own health and enjoyment. Please take a moment to review the notes from our 4/7 monthly HIP meeting (button below) and take special note of the action items listed below. Share HIP's posts on social media and neighborhood sites - Follow HIP (@hcinvasives) and share, like, and comment on our posts so they reach more people!
- Share our viral callery pear post-- click here to view the Facebook post, then share!
Purchase HIP apparel Volunteer at Weed Wrangles and spread the word - HIP has many Weed Wrangles coming up. Volunteer and/or encourage friends and neighbors to volunteer. Weed Wrangles are a great way to learn invasives id and management while improving a natural area. Learn more here: www.hcinvasives.org/weedwrangle
- Hamilton County Parks is seeking some HIP volunteers to help with educating and leading the corporate volunteers for their WW on April 22nd. Volunteers are needed for 2 shifts -- 9-12 and 1-4. Contact Steve Sneath to volunteer – steve.sneath@hamiltoncounty.in.gov.
Help us collect Hamilton County specific phenology data on invasive species - The technical committee is collecting phenological data (pheno whhaa?? Phenology is nature’s calendar—when callery pear blooms, when garlic mustard sets seed, when honeysuckle drops its leaves in the fall, etc.) specific to Hamilton County. We will use this data to make HC specific technical resources. A shared excel document has been created in the Google Drive to capture contributions of information. Take some time to review the spreadsheet then add your observations throughout the year. Questions? Contact Taylor or Kim.
- Add your observations to the spreadsheet here (bookmark the link).
Hamilton County Invasive Species Awareness Week (HC ISAW) -- May 15-22 - The first ever HC ISAW is coming up! We'll be hosting Weed Wrangles, sharing info on social media, and hosting a "boot brushing" a la ribbon cutting for our boot brushing stations with local leaders (Save the Date for 5/15). We'll need you to share social media posts and volunteer for a shift at a boot brush station educating trail users. Keep an eye on your email for ways to be involved!
Host a neighborhood Weed Wrangle - Invite friends and neighbors to manage invasive species on HOA common area, church or school property, etc. HIP can help with an invasives assessment to identify invasives and control methods. Pullerbars for invasive shrubs as well as Weed Wrangle tool kits with supplies and signage are available via the SWCD Tool Loan Program.
| |  | Next HIP Meeting HIP general meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month, alternating between noon and six pm. Join us on May 5th at 12pm on zoom. |
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| April General Meeting Agenda/Notes The agenda and notes from the April general meeting (4/7) are available below. |
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| Share our posts on social media Support HIP from your phone! Help us expand our social media reach by liking our accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Share, like, or comment on our posts! |
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| See upcoming trainings, events, and volunteer opportunities on the HIP website. |
|  | Meets on 3rd Wednesday of the month at noon. |
Education Committee The ed com. is working on identifying the best ways to connect with target audiences, the new HIP website and educational resources, Boot Brush station development, planning for the Hamilton County Invasive Species Awareness Week and Weed Wrangles, and more. Your time and talents would be welcome additions! |
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|  | Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2:30. |
Technical Committee Meeting The tech comm is planning Strike Team events, figuring out GIS mapping/reporting options, training to offer invasive species site assessments, and more. There is a study group/materials for those interested in obtaining their pesticide applicator certification. They will also be calling on others to report phenology info related to the timing of invasive species leaf out, seed set, blooming, etc. across the county. |
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| Education Station Holly Faust gave a presentation on an invasive species antother state is managing-- lionfish in FLorida. We discussed how similar education/control activities like "lionfish derbies" could apply to garlic mustard. In March, Jamison Hutchins, Stewardship Manager for the Central Indiana Land Trust, presented on CILTI's stewardship approach & gave on overview of some of their properties. His presentation starts at the 13 minute mark of the meeting recording. Sign up to give an Education Station presentation here. |
| | | HIP in the news (click title to read) |
| Upcoming Meetings 1st Wednesday of each month, alternating day and evening meetings. All meetings are virtual until further notice. Dates and registration links for these meetings can be found at www.hcinvasives.org/hip-meetings |
| Order HIP Gear You can get the HIP logo embroidered on any of thousands of items available through Lands' End Business. Shop from the HIP store to get started! Screenprinted short and long sleeve t-shirts, sweatshirts, and face masks are available via the HIP store on Bonfire. |
| 317.773.2181 | hcinvasives@hamiltoncounty.in.gov Follow us! |
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