We're ready, are you in?

We have big goals for 2021, but we need hands, hearts, and minds to put them into action! There are hands on, in the field opportunities but also many ways to be involved that can be done at home or over the phone.  If you're not quite ready to take on a task, that is fine! Join us to learn and network--you can also virtually bring a friend! 


Take a moment to review the January meeting notes via the link below the "Previous Meeting Notes" box and use the button below to register for the February meeting. Registration links for upcoming technical committee and Weed Wrangle planning/education committee meetings are also below.  Please join us! 


Review our 2021 goals here.
See something that interests you? Join us to help put it in action!



We're planning volunteer invasive species workdays across Hamilton County for this spring. Our first planning meeting is Tuesday January 19th at 9:30 am on ZOOM.  Register for the meeting here.


Education Committee Meeting

The education committee will meet at the conclusion of the Weed Wrangle Mtg (1/19 at 9:30am)

Technical Committee Meeting 

The technical committee will meet via Zoom on January 13th at 2:30pm. 

January Meeting Agenda/Notes

Review the previous HIP meeting agenda and associated notes via the button below.

Education Station
Sign up to give an Education Station presentation!


Education Station - Volunteers needed

Sign up to present an "education station" during one of our monthly meetings.

The Education Station is a short educational presentation at the beginning of each monthly Hamilton County Invasives Partnership meeting.  The presentation should can be 5-10 minutes and cover a specific invasive species, control method or equipment, a new development or resource you found useful, etc. You can have presentation slides but it is not required.  Remember, we're all about learning. You do not have to be an expert to present an education station!

Other Updates and Info

HIP in the news

Upcoming Meetings
1st Wednesday of each month, alternating day and evening meetings. All meetings are virtual until further notice.

February 3, 6 pm

March 3, 12 pm

April 7, 6 pm

May 5, 12 pm

June 2, 6 pm

July 7, 12 pm

August 4, 6 pm

September 1, 12 pm

October 6, 6 pm

November 3, 12 pm

December 1, 6 pm


Registration links for these meetings can be found at hcinvasives.org.

Upcoming events & important dates

Quarterly CISMA Networking Mtg. - Feb. 11

Strike Team Event- March 20th

HIP hosts HAMPA - April 8th

National Invasive Species Awareness Week -May 15-22 

Watch our webinars online

Invasive Species in Indiana and the Terrestrial Plant Rule 

How to Report Invasive Species in Indiana Using EDDMappS


Weed Wrangles

Help us promote Virtual Weed Wrangles!

Order HIP Gear from Lands' End

You can get the HIP logo embroidered on any of thousands of items available through Lands' End Business.   Shop from the HIP store to get started!

317.773.2181 | hcinvasives@hamiltoncounty.in.gov
Follow us!
