Upcoming events, summaries, & important dates (Always at www.hcinvasives.org/events) - CISMA conference recap
- CCPR Field Day- Founders Park and Hazel Landing tour and had CARDNO contractor there to go over management. Went over partnerships. Great day!
- Claire attended the Eagle’s Crest (Indy Parks) field day. Ecologic was there. We did management talks and demos and a tour.
- Mary reported that the recorded presentations were great—especially on EAB and garlic mustard.
- Restoring HOA Native Landscapes Webinar
- Webinar recording available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex5er-CNAmY
- HIP Emerging Invasive Plants in Central Indiana Webinar
- Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fhsX9KDz5Q
- This stemmed from a Education Station. All HIP members are encouraged to watch!
- Safety and Eradication Techniques presentation to HCMGA at the pavilion at Dillon Park (rain date is 9-27)
- Sept. 27th, 5:30 to 7:00PM
- No registration required.
- SWCD TREE SALE Volunteer Opportunities (9/29, 9/30 and 10/1) sign up:
- https://signup.com/go/fkxFBES
- HIP Strike Team @ Fall Creek Township Natural Area in Fishers
- Oct. 2nd, 9AM to noon – date is pending confirmation with land manager
- Brand new park, great opportunity.
- Registration link forthcoming.
- Spotted Lanternfly talks with DNR Division of Entomology and Plant Pathology on 10/5. Info will be shared when received.
- HIP Strike Team @ MacGregor Park at HY31 and HY38
- Oct. 23rd, 9AM to noon
- Relatively clean space so we want to keep it that way.
- Registration link forthcoming.
- Native Alternatives to Common Invasive Species - Register here
- October 4th at 7pm – Hamilton East Public Library
- Our home landscape is a common source of invasive plant species and pathway for those plants to escape into natural areas. Join the Hamilton County Invasives Partnership and Soil and Water Conservation District to learn about common invasives species found in our yards and native alternatives.
- Cool Creek Weed Wrangle— HIP volunteers needed - October 9 from 9:00am – 12:00pm at Cool Creek Park. Contact Steve Sneath (HCPR) at steve.sneath@hamiltoncounty.in.gov.
- Amos Butler Audubon Society (ABAS) and HIP Strike Team workday with CCPR
- Wednesday 10/13 from 4:30-6:00, Invasives and trash pick up options. Good opportunity to bring the two groups together. Register here.
k. Carmel HOA group (CNAN) – Claire to present on 10/28 @ 6pm |