More fall Weed Wrangles and Strike Team events will be announced soon!
Review the September HIP general meeting notes here.
Fall is a great time to manage invasive species in your yard or woodland!
The SICIM Landowner Toolkit has a variety of resources available to help you manage invasives. The HIP webpage also features additional local resources and technical assistance opportunities.
HIP and the Hamilton County SWCD can offer invasive species assessments and help you develop a plan for effective invasive species control. Large parcels and woodlands are prioritized for this service. Contact Taylor Wilson at to arrange a site visit.
Volunteer with the Strike Team on 9/24 at the Fishers AgriPark
Pre-registration is required. Learn more and sign up here.
HIP Featured by SICIM HIP was featured in the State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM) September Newsletter. Check out our article here.
Next HIP General Meeting - November 2 at 12pm HIP general meetings are held the first Wednesday of every other month at 12pm. Meetings will be in person but offer an online option as well. Register here. Committee meetings are held monthly. These meetings and committee work is where the real action happens. Please sign up for the technical or education committee mailing lists when you register for the HIP general meeting.
We're ready for you! Join the education and/or technical committee to take on a role in fighting invasives in our county. There are all kinds of ways to help for people of varying skill sets, availability, and invasives knowledge.
The education committee meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 12pm online/in person. Sign up for the HIP Education Committee mailing list for meeting details and access links.
The technical committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 2:30pm. Email for info.
See upcoming trainings, events, and volunteer opportunities on the HIP website.